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Fire Resistive, Blast Rated Curtain Wall That Meets DoD Requirements (December 2017)
The Department of Defense (DoD) published the Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-010-01 Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings as a mandatory guideline to mitigate the threats of terrorism against buildings and ensure the safety of the individuals that inhabit them...

IBC Fire Door Requirement and Sprinkler Exceptions (September 2017)
When the International Code Committee (ICC) published the revised Table 716.5 in the 2012 IBC (formerly Table 715.4 in the 2009 IBC), the code community saw it as a significant step in clarifying the confusion around the glazing requirements for fire door assemblies...

Sprinkler Trade-offs Reduce Occupant Safety and Increase Costs for Building Owners (June 2017)
Glazing that meets the ASTM E-119 standard are classified as “fire resistive” or “fire-resistance-rated” in Chapter 7 of the IBC. Marked with a “W”, it can be used as fire barriers in exit enclosures, exit passageways or horizontal exits to ensure that building occupants are protected from smoke, flames and

What Architects Can Learn From Firefighters On Radiant Heat (April 2017)
It takes a tremendous amount of courage to be firefighter. While most people will instinctively locate the nearest exit to escape a burning building, firefighters run towards it. In any firefighting operation, the first and foremost objective is to rescue building occupants...