ABCs of Balanced Fire Protection
Schools place 15,000 calls a year for help in battling campus fires. The next step in curbing injuries and protecting school property is to adopt a balanced fire protection approach combining active and passive fire protection measures. Read more…

The Dangers of Radiant Heat
Where there’s fire, there’s an invisible deadly threat commonly referred to as radiant heat. Protecting people from radiant heat is vital because exposed individuals quickly feel unbearable pain, followed by second-degree burns, making safe egress impossible. Read more…

Fire-Resistive Glazing Makes the Grade
SAFTIFIRST’s SuperLite II-XL blocks radiant heat and meets ASTM E119 wall standards. Check out campus installations of fire-resistive glazing in door and wall applications. Read more…

Case Study: UC Davis Medical Center
SAFTI FIRST delivered 20,000 square feet of fire-resistive glazing and framing for the remodel and expansion of the University of California, Davis, Medical Center. The glazing allowed architects to maximize the amount of natural light entering the facility. Read more…