Fire Rated Curtain Wall Passes Rigorous CDC Dynamic Tests
SAFTI FIRST® Passes Rigorous Dynamic Testing For Its Fire Rated Curtain Wall.
Fire Rated Curtain Wall Passes Rigorous CDC Dynamic Tests
Media Contact:
Diana San Diego
888.653.3333 ext. 756
CDC (Curtain Wall Design and Consulting) is a leading independent firm providing a wide range of building envelope design, engineering, and consulting services to design professionals nationwide.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (October 30, 2012) – SAFTI FIRST®, leading USA-manufacturer of fire rated glass and framing systems, is pleased to announce that in addition to meeting ASTM E-119/NFPA 251/UL263 with hose stream for up to 2 hours, the SAFTIfire CW Framing System meets or exceeds the performance specifications of other leading U.S. manufacturers of either fire rated or non-fire rated curtain wall systems by successfully passing the following tests:
- Air Infiltration, ASTM E 283-04, Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors.
- Static Pressure Water Resistance, ASTM E 331-00, Standard Test Method for Metal Curtain Walls and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.
- Dynamic Water Pressure Resistance, AAMA 501.1-05, Standard Test Method for Metal Curtain Walls and Doors by Uniform Dynamic Pressure.
- Structural Performance, ASTM E 330-2, Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.
- Seismic Movement, AAMA 501.4-09, Recommended Static Test Method for Evaluating Curtain Wall and Storefront Systems Subjects to Seismic and Wind Induced Interstory Drifts.
- Thermal Cycling and Condensation Evaluation.
- Interstory Vertical Displacement Tests.
“The SAFTIfire CW Framing System is unique because it performs as a fire barrier while still being part of the building’s exterior skin. It provides protection in the event of a fire while enhancing the building’s overall aesthetics and performance,” says Tim Nass, VP of National Sales at SAFTI FIRST®. “Our recent testing based on the CDC prescribed project performance requirements provided empirical data that demonstrates the SAFTIfire CW Framing System’s ability to prevent air and water infiltration under non-static conditions, such as wind load or moving live loads that meets or exceeds the performance of curtain wall systems offered by other leading U.S. manufacturers.”
“The dynamic testing performed on our mock up was designed to mimic real world installations,” adds Tim. “Our system’s documented performance ensures that architects have a proven option for clear, unobstructed views when faced with property line requirements or other scenarios where the threat of fire comes from the outside.”
Meeting property line requirements was exactly the case for The Kensington, a 27-story, 488,000 square foot, mixed-use, residential building in Boston, MA. The west-facing elevation had to meet ASTM E-119/NFPA 251/UL263 for 60 minutes, so SAFTI FIRST® supplied SuperLite II-XL 60 insulated with Solarban 70XL in SAFTIfire CW Framing. CDC was hired to make sure that the building was air and water tight. They were present during the dynamic testing performed by ATI (Architectural Testing, Inc.), an independent testing laboratory, where the mock-up of the system provided by SAFTI FIRST® passed all required testing.
The aluminum covers used in the SAFTIfire CW Framing System mimics the appearance of an aluminum pressure wall, making it easy to match the non-rated exterior glazing systems seamlessly. The ability to incorporate Solarban 70XL to the fire resistive system also contributed to meeting an average U-value not more than 0.40 and a solar heat gain coefficient no greater than 0.25 as required in the specifications. Since the SAFTIfire CW Framing system is thermally broken, it is a natural selection for exterior fire resistive applications in places that experience extreme weather like the Northeast.
For more information on the SAFTIfire CW Framing System and all of SAFTI FIRST®’s fire rated glass and framing products, please visit or call 888.653.3333.
Founded in 1981, SAFTI FIRST® Fire Rated Glazing Solutions ( has been serving the architectural and building communities and is the recognized leader in manufacturing fire rated glass and framing for over 30 years. As the premier source for fire-rated glazing, SAFTI FIRST® was the first to introduce transparent fire rated walls to the U.S. market. Our SuperLite™ product line, fire rated from 20 minutes to three hours, includes fire-retardant filled glass units, safety ceramics, safety wired glass and SuperLite I-XL, a patented breakthrough fire protective product that significantly reduces radiant heat transfer (does not meet ASTM E119 and requires AHJ approval for 45 and 60 minute applications). SuperLite™ products can protect against noise, attack, impact, bullets, blast, hurricane and UV rays and is available in any custom architectural make-up, including enhanced energy performance applications. SAFTIfire GPX Framing is fire rated from 20 minutes to 2 hours. Our products are manufactured in the U.S. for fast lead times. For more information, call 888.653.3333.
Media interested in photos, interviews or other information should contact Diana San Diego at 888.653.3333 ext. 756 or