Fire rated doors work together with the frame, hardware and glazing protect people and property. Some basic requirements for fire rated door assemblies include:
- The fire rating of the wall dictates the fire rating of the assembly.
- Fire doors are required to be self-closing and positive latching.
- Fire ratings (20/45/60/90/180 minutes) are granted by third-party testing agencies and displayed on product labels.
- Fire rated door assemblies must meet the requirements of applicable building and life safety codes.
Fire rated door assemblies are tested in accordance with the following standards: UL 10B, UL 10C and NFPA 252. Testings of fire rated door assemblies subject the components and/or the entire assembly to tests that confirm fire endurance, hose stream, temperature rise, and smoke and draft control abilities.
Today’s fire rated doors often incorporate glazing for vision, energy efficiency, safety and transparency. Requirements for glazing in fire rated doors can be confusing. The IBC has been revised in recent editions to try to make requirements for glazing in fire door assemblies easier to understand. Codes address the fire endurance rating, impact safety and the ability to block transmission of deadly radiant heat. Read more…
Examples of Fire Rated Door Assemblies
View our online project gallery to see examples of our fire rated door assemblies. You can also click here to request a copy of our project gallery book with over 80 pages of fire rated glass and framing installations that include interior, exterior, doors and specialty applications (such as decorative, security, hurricane, ballistic and more.)