Making Sense (and Cents) of Renovation
School enrollment is declining. Budgets are shrinking. Faced with these realities, more and more school districts are choosing to renovate rather than replace existing schools. Read more…
How to Renovate for Student Safety
Renovating older school buildings often requires significant upgrades in interior design which take advantage of advancements in building materials. Read more…
San Francisco School Renovates for Safety
This case study documents how a San Francisco high school eliminated the danger of accidental impact with unsafe wired glass by using clear and affordable solutions that meet the highest federal impact safety standard (CPSC Cat. II) and provide additional protection from dangerous radiant heat. Read more…
Register and Earn 1 AIA LU/HSW Credit
Register online for “Designing with Fire Rated Glass” and receive one (1) AIA LU/HSW Credit! Sign up here…