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SAFTI FIRST® Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against Anemostat, TGP and Pilkington
SAFTI FIRST, a leading manufacturer of fire rated glazing and framing products, has filed a law suit against Anemostat of Carson, CA, Technical Glass Products of Kirkland, WA and Pilkington PLC, a U.K. based company, for patent infringement of its SuperLite I-W, a CPSC Cat. II safety-rated wired glass product. The

Superlite I-XL Half Year Sales up 124%
SAFTI FIRST, a leading manufacturer of fire-rated glazing and framing products, saw an increase of 124% in SuperLite I-XL sales for the first six months of 2007 when compared to sales during the same period of 2006. Current sales of SuperLite I-XL have already exceeded total 2006 annual sales.

5-Day Lead Time and Competitive Prices on Fire Rated Ceramics
SAFTI FIRST, a leading manufacturer of fire rated glazing and framing products, now offers SuperLite C, CS, CP and CSP with a fast 5-day lead time at new extremely competitive prices. This is due to recent investments in state-of-the-art, computer-aided manufacturing equipment in the Merced, CA factory, enabling the company to

SAFTI FIRST® Wins Patent Infringement Lawsuit
SAFTI FIRST, a leading manufacturer of fire-rated glazing and framing products, prevailed in a patent infringement lawsuit against Jerry’s Glass of Beverly Hills, CA and his various companies. The litigation began in July 2005 when SAFTI FIRST filed legal action before the US District Court for the Northern District of California, asserting violation of